
Sections margins and paper width and height can be specified in the same way like for the RTF document. Sections margin and paper width/height will overwrite RTF document margins and paper width/heigth.


See Document settings > Page margins and Document settings > Page size.

Section columns

Section text can be spreaded over columns (all having the same width):

// some bootstraping here

$section = $rtf->addSection();
// text will spreaded over 3 columns

Another way to define section columns with particular column widths:

// some bootstraping here

$section = $rtf->addSection();
// text will spreaded over 3 columns (widths are: 1cm, 2cm, and 3cm)
$section->setColumnWidths(array(1, 2, 3));

Separate your section columns with a line, if you like to:

// some bootstraping here

$section = $rtf->addSection();
// text will spreaded over 3 columns (widths are: 1cm, 2cm, and 3cm)
$section->setColumnWidths(array(1, 2, 3));
// line between section columns
$section->writeText('Lorem ipsum');

There is also the posibility to add space between the columns:

// some bootstraping here

$section = $rtf->addSection();
// text will spreaded over 3 columns (widths are: 1cm, 2cm, and 3cm)
$section->setColumnWidths(array(1, 2, 3));
// 0.2cm of space between section columns
$section->writeText('Lorem ipsum');

Page breaks

Explizit page break:

// some bootstraping here

$section = $rtf->addSection();
$section->writeText('Lorem ipsum');
// insert a page break
$section->writeText('Text on the next page');

To prevent a page break, if possible, you can do the following:

// some bootstraping here

$section = $rtf->addSection();
$section->writeText('Lorem ipsum');
// prevent page break
$section->writeText('Text on the next page');


// some bootstraping here

$border = new PHPRtfLite_Border(
    $rtf,                                       // PHPRtfLite instance
    new PHPRtfLite_Border_Format(2, '#00FF00'), // left border: 2pt, green color
    new PHPRtfLite_Border_Format(1, '#FFFF00'), // top border: 1pt, yellow color
    new PHPRtfLite_Border_Format(2, '#FF0000'), // right border: 2pt, red color
    new PHPRtfLite_Border_Format(1, '#0000FF')  // bottom border: 1pt, blue color
$section = $rtf->addSection();
// set section border

// set one border format for top, left, right, and bottom
$section->setBorders(new PHPRtfLite_Border_Format(2, '#00FF00'));

Read more about creating borders here: Borders.

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